
Showing posts from February, 2019

Suplemen Kalsium dan Senaman cegah osteoporosis

Osteoporosis merupakan masalah diberi perhatian di seluruh dunia.walau bagaimanapun mssih ramai menganggap ia merupakan penyakit luar biasa sdgkan 1drpd 4 wanita serta 1 drpd 8 lelaki usia 50ke atas mengalami osteoporosis.malah dianggarkan lebih 1 juta org berisiko mngalami osteoporosis. Mengambil inisiatif kpd fakta yg membimbangkan ini,wyeth consumer healthcare memperkenalkan BONES sebuah kempen yang disasarkan untuk membina kesedaran pendedahan dan menperlihatkan kepentingan kesihatan tulang terutamanya aspek pendidikan dan pencegahan osteoporosis. Berita baik ialah osteoporosis ialah ia boleh dicegah.ini kerana kesihatan tulang bergantung kepada gen paras hormon gaya hidup dan diet.walaupun masa terrbaik pencegahan ialah sewaktu muda seseorang itu pernah terlalu tua utk melindungi tulang masing2.memandang tulang mencapai tahap umur30 an jadi selepas tempoh itu,amat penting untuk individu mengekalkan kekuatan lelaki dan mencegah kekuatan tulang dan mencegah kepadatan tulang. L ...

Getting Ready on 6 dates daily

Eatings dates has been emphasized during pregnancy and after delivery tradition now the researches has found the reason why. The reasearhers suggest that dates are effective for management of postpartum haemorrhage because dates have calcium setotonin tannin linoliec acid enzyms ironand other nutrient to control prevent aanemia.its also helps lower ldl bad cholestrol and lower blood pressure.. A study in the journal of obstetrics and gynaecology during the last 4 weeks of pregnancy "significant reduced the need for induction and argumentation of labour and produced more favourable but not significant delivery outcome" Thats good enough reason for you to start on dates when you are getting ready for childbirth Some significant findings from study are: #Cervical dilation was significantly greater in the dates eating mother upon arrival at the hospital #83% of mother who consumed dates had their membranes intact upon admission at the hospitals #96% of the woman w...