Satisfaction Index Number Of Customer
TNB still in the heart of Malaysia
In one area we usually we calculate the services and the kpi satisfaction index by using the SAIDI.
As an engineer you may need to know this first.
The System Average Interruption Duration Index is commonly used as a reliability indicator by electric power utilities.
SAIDI is measured in units of time, in minutes or hours.
SAIFI= (Total No Of customers interrupted)/(Total No. Of Customers served) Assuming all customers connected with the feeder gets interrupted for each feeder failure, ... SAIFI is measured in units of no of interruptions per customer.
Formula NOC interrupted/NOC served.
This is world formula..
Consumer Average Interruption Duration Index (CAIDI)
It is the ratio of the total duration of interruptions to the total number of interruptions during the year. CAIDI = Total duration of sustained interruptions in a year/total number of interruptions. It can also be seen that CAIDI = SAIDI/SAIFI.
It is the ratio of the total duration of interruptions to the total number of interruptions during the year. CAIDI = Total duration of sustained interruptions in a year/total number of interruptions. It can also be seen that CAIDI = SAIDI/SAIFI.
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